
How to quickly install Windows 7 on any USB 3 Laptop and USB 3.0 Memory Stick

Recenty I've tried to Install Windows 7 on an usb 3.0 only ultrabook and was greeted with a message about it not having the correct drives because Windows 7 Doesn't support USB 3.0 Natively: "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing&…

How to set correct time zone on OpenVZ server (Centos VPS )

Hi, this very quick tutorial will teach you how to set the correct time zone on your server. Nine out of ten times when your new server gets deployed it comes with the incorrect time zone for your location, or your provider forgets to set the correct hardware clock so…

Install and setup OpenVPN Connect app on Iphone

Hello, today's tutorial is about installing the OpenVPN app on your IOS device and setting it up. First of all we have to install OpenVPN app on our IOS device, we do this by typing "openvpn" in the appstore and downloading and installing the app seen…

How to install OpenVPN on Linux server and set up the client on Windows

This tutorial is about installing OpenVPN server on a CentOS server and setting up the client and drivers to work with Windows 7. Installing OpenVPN on server: We begin by logging in to your server control panel and making sure TUN/TAP service is enabled, for some providers you might…

Few quick ways to speed up and optimize Windows 7

Hello, In this tutorial I'll show you a few quick was to clean up and improve Windows 7 Disabling Startup Programs: This is a really quick one, all we do is type msconfig in the search box and press enter. This will launch the system configuration menu. If…

My experience with modding socket 775 to support socket 771 Xeon server CPU's

Recently I've heard that its possible to mod socket 775 consumer grade motherboards to accept and work with socket 771 Xeon CPUS which cost about quarter of its 775 equivalent models such as the QX9650. I thought it was a great value upgrade to my old 775 system…

Basic security for a newly provisioned server ( Linux)

Hello, in this short tutorial I'll show you how to secure a Linux server so that its slightly more secure and safe from any kind of bots or automated attacks. SSH: If your SSH is listening on it's default port (22) its like leaving the keys…